There are several ways you can lend a helping hand to DREAM Animal Rescue. As an all-volunteer organization we could not do what we do without you! And we sincerely thank you. Volunteer We always need volunteers, and can use them in a number of ways. From events to transport, even a few hours of your time once a week or one time only can help save a life. Read more about volunteering... and complete the Volunteer Application Form. once the form has been completed, please email it in to us at Sponsor We, as a rescue, do occasionally take in animals we know won't get adopted right away - we believe that every animal should have an equal chance at being adopted. Sometimes these animals have long-time costs associated with them, and thus we can always use funds specifically for those animals. Read more about sponsoring... Donate A recurring donation, or even a one time donation, can and will save an animal. Even $5 will feed a cat for a week or buy a warm blanket for a orphaned bottle baby. All of your donations are completely tax-deductible. Read more about donating... Foster Fostering is a rewarding and deeply moving experience. You take an animal that needs a helping hand into your home, care for it, and treat it as your own. After weeks, months, or years, the animal that you cared for like your own gets adopted into a great home. It is a bittersweet experience, but nothing is more rewarding. Read more about fostering....
Thank you, Furry Foster, for helping us find valuable fosters for our rescue! |