First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email*
THANK YOU FOR FILLING OUT THIS FORM! Please note that ALL empty boxes that pertain to the pet you are adopting MUST be filled in with your initials (ex., JAK). Which dog/cat are you filling this form for?* Choose an animal: Apple Crumble Asher Basher Tarr Bayu Brisco -courtesy post Coro Daphne Bridgerton Doll Eddie Eloise Eyebrow Hubbell- Foster needed Jade courtesy post Jelly Josie Karma Kleo Lemon Pepper Lotus Luna Lovegood Luxa Meadow Mellow Mousse Nathan Papa Smiley Sticky Toffee Suzette Temp Tinkie Whiskee Zezzette
I hereby agree that the above described animal is being adopted by me solely as a pet for myself and/or my immediate family. I agree that I will not sell, give away, abandon or otherwise dispose of said animal to any person(s), dealer, retailer, auction, human society, animal control, or institute, or any other entity for any reason. *
If at a later date I am unable to keep this pet, I agree to first contact DREAM ANIMAL RESCUE and they will be given the opportunity to reclaim said pet at no charge. I understand that any potential adoptive family the adopter would like to transfer ownership to must fill out the same pet adoption questionnaire and pet adoption agreement and the FINAL decision will be left up to DREAM ANIMAL RESCUE.*
I hereby agree to care for the above described pet in a humane and responsible manner and to provide it with clean and adequate food, water, shelter, and veterinary care. I agree to have the pet examined by a licensed veterinarian at least once a year and provide for all vaccinations and treatments necessary, including routine and emergency medical care to ensure good health. If euthanasia becomes necessary and recommended, I agree to have it performed by a licensed veterinarian. *
I agree that said pet will reside inside my home as an indoor-only pet, and under no circumstances will be allowed to access the outside unless supervised AND on a leash and harness.*
I hereby agree that under no circumstances is the adopter to EVER get this pet declawed.
I agree that if I have a balcony, I will keep this pet indoors only and not let him/her go on the balcony unless the balcony is fully enclosed. *
I hereby agree that this pet shall wear a collar or harness with current ID tags at all times, or I will register a microchip for the pet.*
I hereby agree that the adoption fee I am paying will help cover DREAM ANIMAL RESCUE's expense of raising and caring for the animal. THIS FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE.*
I agree to keep DREAM ANIMAL RESCUE informed of my current home address and phone number, as well as if the pet is lost, stolen, or deceased. *
I hereby understand and agree that DREAM ANIMAL RESCUE makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, about the above animal's temperament, behavior, or condition and is HEREBY ABSOLVED FROM ANY LIABILITY FOR FUTURE DAMAGES OR INJURIES caused by said animal. *
I certify that all statements made by me on this adoption agreement are TRUE and CORRECT. I agree that DREAM ANIMAL RESCUE has the right to confiscate the above described animal in the event that any statements made by me are found to be false and/or if I am found to have breached this agreement in full or in part and/or my check for the adoption fee is returned for insufficient funds. THIS IS PART OF A BINDING CONTRACT. DO YOU ACCEPT?* Choose one: Yes No